Monkey Backround
Thursday, October 28, 2010
An Ooey Gooey Halloween
Hi everybody!!! This week's preschool was a Halloween party, so everyone dressed-up. Before preschool started the children played boardgames.
The day before preschool a student, Katelyn, had a birthday!!!
Our letter this week was H, so everything in our bag began with H.
We also had a special guest during Circle Time, a hamster. Everyone loved him!!!
The first activity we did was playing with ooey gooey slime. The children really enjoyed this!
Then we made spaghetti pictures. The pictures turned out really cute, though some of the children's pictures were half eaten.
By the time everyone finished their pictures we were all hungry, so we made a "snack." We put in some spooky ingredients like a cat's brain (oatmeal), the finger of a swamp monster (pickle), pumpkin blood (apricot ? and vinegar), and a witch's magic powder (baking soda). When we poured in the magic powder, it bubbled up. But sadly, no one wanted to eat our snack...
So we ate Halloween jigglers with popcorn instead.
After a bit of playtime, we shaved some Frankensteins. We squirted whipped cream on the pictures of Frankenstein and shaved it off with our tongues.
Then we made milk jug luminaries. The children cut out faces for their jugs and glued it on. Then we used Christmas tree lights to light them up.
To end another great day of preschool we played the Eyeball Bounce. The children took balls (colored to look like eyes) and threw them into some cups with prizes in them. They got to keep whatever was inside the cup. After getting our prizes, we ate popcorn and cupcakes brought by some of the children's mothers (Thank you). We had a fun week of preschool!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Wonders of the Wind
Wow!!!! What a great week of preschool! Our theme was the Wonders of the Wind, so some of the children's Show and Tells began with W.
Our first activity was a big hit! The children each got their own parachute (made from plastic bags) and then threw them over the staircase and watched them fall.
Next we made pinwheels! The children decorated a piece of paper, and Miss Lauren folded it into a pinwheel for them. Once they were finished, they held their pinwheels in front of a fan and watched them spin!
Then came snack! Everyone loved eating their clouds (popcorn balls)!!!!
After reading a story, Zoud the Cloud, and talking about how wind moves clouds, we played a game. We each got a "cloud" and straw to make wind with, and we blew the cloud across the room.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Getting to Know the Night
Good day everyone, or as we said at Lauren's Little Learners Preschool, good night!!!!! This week, since we were learning about space and night time, we wore pajamas. We began with playtime. We played with dolls, a lot of stuffed animals, and Planet Heroes.

After everyone arrived, we did Circle Time. This week our letter was N, so in our bag there were lots of things that started with the letter N, like a napkin, a nail, a number nine, and a nose (pencil sharpener). We also had Show and Tell. 
Then we played our first game! After talking about constellations we searched for them, on the ceiling, with flashlights. When someone found it they would keep their light on it until everyone found the constellation.
Next we made our own constellations!!! We took a Space Scope, glued stars and planets on them, and poked holes in the black paper covering one end, so when you looked through it you could see stars.
Before we did our next activity, we ate snack. We talked about how in space there is no gravity, so things will float. We ate doughnuts like we would in space. Everyone loved eating a "floating" snack.
Once we had eaten, we got to meet an astronaut!!! The children took turns shaking his hand, and we took a class picture with him!!! We played a moon rock game with him. We learned that on the moon things weigh less than they do on Earth. We took paper, crinkled it up, and made moon rocks. We threw it into a container the astronaut was holding. We also had a moon rock fight. We divided into 2 teams and threw rocks at the other team. Everyone LOVED this game!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Colorful Creations
We had a great week of preschool!!! Sadly, some of our preschool friends couldn't make it. First we had our play time. There were lots of options!! There were some pattern blocks, a marble track, and some Legos.
Then came Circle Time. This week's Circle Time had a few new things introduced, like Miss Lauren's birthday, the letter C, and the month October.
Next we did our first activity!!! There were colored pads all over the floor. One of the children would roll our big dice that would tell us how to move from one color to the next. (In this picture it is fly to a blue.)
After all the dice game we made clay rainbows. We only had red, yellow, and blue clay, so we had to mix it for the other colors. The children really loved mixing and rolling the clay.
Once the rainbows were complete, we had snack, rainbow colored goldfish! But, before the children ate the goldfish, they had to sort them by color. They also came up with another game to. It was called "Which hand is the red goldfish in?"
Then we colored some glasses. These were special glasses, because when you put them on everything looked pink!!!
Next we went on a scavenger hunt. Each child got a list of what color of things to find. Then they dug through a box of stuff until they found something that color.
After scavenger hunting we painted color wheels. Of course, we only had red, yellow, and blue paint, so we had to mix the colors. Once all the colors were mixed the children used the colors they made to paint a picture inside their wheels. 
We had a fun day of preschool and can't wait to see our friends again next week!!!!
We had a fun day of preschool and can't wait to see our friends again next week!!!!
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