At Circle Time we learned about the letter T.
First we had a turkey chase. A few of the children would leave the room, and the rest would hide. Then the other children would come back in and look for the hiding children. When a hiding "turkey" was found, the "hunters" would chase them and put them where all good turkeys go, on the table.
Later we made a turkey craft, a hand print turkey. After we made a hand print on the page, we wrote the letters of our name on paper turkey feathers and glued them to our hand prints. We drew a turkey in the center of the hand, and tada!!! We had a really cute turkey craft!
For snack we ate mini pies. We filled mini shells with the fillings of our choice, cherry, vanilla, or apple. Then Miss Lauren topped them off with whipped cream.
We divided into groups for our next two activities. Miss Cindy took some of the children downstairs, and Miss Lauren stayed upstairs with the rest. While downstairs the children talked about how pilgrims had to make their own stuff. Then they dipped their own candles.