This weeks preschool was another big hit!!! Our theme was Under the Sea, so after Circle Time we had a show & tell based on the theme. There were stuffed sea creatures and shells of all different shapes and sizes.

The first game we played was a diving game. We had a blue sheet, and all the children held the sides of the sheet while one of them "dived" under the sheet, grabbed one of the sea creatures, and shared what they found with us.

After the diving game, we made wave bottles. First we put all of the little creatures we wanted in our bottles. Then we filled the bottles with water and sprinkled some glitter in them. Then we taped the lids closed. (Everyone brought these home.)
Then we ate snack, candy fish in Jello. While eating, the children were read a book called Rainbow Fish.

Once we were finished with our snack we made Rainbow Fish. We took an already printed fish, glued pieces of tissue paper and an eye on them, and put on our special shiny scale. (The children also brought these home.)

Then we had a singing time. We sang 5 Green and Speckled Frogs, 5 Little Fishies,
(Fish version of 5 little monkeys) and 5 Little Ducks. For 5 Green and Speckled Frogs and 5 Little Ducks we had one of the children dress up and act out the song. We also played Hot Potato, but we passed around a fish instead.

Last of all, play time. We had a fishing Memory game, and a water area they could play in. Landon, another student, found a toy shark that laughed when you squeezed it.
Hi Lauren,
ReplyDeleteI wanted to thank you for the wonderful job you are doing. My girls have loved every minute of school with you and cannot wait until the next week. You are doing a fantastic job!