Monkey Backround

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Let's Go to the Zoo

Lions and tigers and bears, Oh my!!! This week our preschool topic was about the zoo, so after a little time to play, and Circle Time, we did games and crafts with a zoo theme.

The giraffe was first. Everyone got an outline of a giraffe. We drew eyes on it and drew leaves for it to eat. Then we gave it spots. We took a pencil, dipped the eraser in brown paint, and dotted the eraser onto the giraffe.

This week we reviewed the letters we've learned. We laid the letters on the floor, and Miss Lauren gave everyone animals to put in the "cage" that had the letter of the animal on it.

Our snack was lions. We took a two crackers, and Miss Lauren and Miss Cindy spread peanut butter on them. We broke pretzels in half and put them around the edges of one cracker. We placed the other cracker on top and put three chocolate chips on for the eyes and nose. It was a yummy favorite!!!

Miss Lauren brought her "pet elephant" to share with us! We got to "feed" it by throwing peanuts (Circus Peanuts) into it's mouth! Everyone loved the elephant!!! After we fed the elephant, Miss Lauren let us try a Circus Peanut.

We also learned about a zebra. We glued a white zebra onto a black paper. We put the zebra in a pan, and Miss Cindy poured a little paint on it. Then we used a marble to spread the paint around and give the zebra stripes.
Miss Lauren gave us a monkey toy that climbs when you pull two strings one at a time, and we played until our moms picked us up from a fun day of "monkeying around" at preschool!!!

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