This week at preschool our theme was Farm Friends. Before we got started we played with the Little People.
Then we did Circle Time and Letter Bag. In the letter bag were things starting with F, like a fork, a feather, and a toy frog.
Then we colored animal puppets. Joey put a lot of work into his cat puppet.
We played with farm animals and clay. Blake enjoyed this a lot.
For Show-and-Tell we had a toy pig and a toy tractor. Brynley was very excited to show everyone her pig.
Then we went on an egg hunt. The children liked finding the eggs and putting them in the "nest."
Next came snack. For snack we ate "haystacks" like animals on the farm. Maggie was pretending to be her dog.
Later we made Farm Animal Touch And Feel Books. The kids glued different materials to different animals.
After that we "milked a cow." We pretended to milk a cardboard cow by squeezing a rubber glove filled with water. Grant figured out that it was easiest to squeeze the palm part of the glove instead of the fingers of the glove.
Finally, we read a book about ducks and a fox, and we played "Duck, Duck, Fox!"
We hope you had a fun day on the farm!!!