Monkey Backround

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Farm Friends

This week at preschool our theme was Farm Friends. Before we got started we played with the Little People.
Then we did Circle Time and Letter Bag. In the letter bag were things starting with F, like a fork, a feather, and a toy frog.
Then we colored animal puppets. Joey put a lot of work into his cat puppet.

We played with farm animals and clay. Blake enjoyed this a lot.
For Show-and-Tell we had a toy pig and a toy tractor. Brynley was very excited to show everyone her pig.

Then we went on an egg hunt. The children liked finding the eggs and putting them in the "nest."

Next came snack. For snack we ate "haystacks" like animals on the farm. Maggie was pretending to be her dog.

Later we made Farm Animal Touch And Feel Books. The kids glued different materials to different animals.
After that we "milked a cow." We pretended to milk a cardboard cow by squeezing a rubber glove filled with water. Grant figured out that it was easiest to squeeze the palm part of the glove instead of the fingers of the glove.
Finally, we read a book about ducks and a fox, and we played "Duck, Duck, Fox!"
We hope you had a fun day on the farm!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Baffling Bugs

This week we learned about bugs. While everybody was getting here, the kids played with pretend food and plastic animals.

Then we had Circle Time. Blake was very good at singing the "Days of the Week" song.

Next we did the Letter Bag and Show-and-Tell. Our letter this week was B. In our Letter Bag there was a blanket, a baby doll, and more. At Show-and-Tell there was a Buzz Lightyear and a teddy bear.

To start off we read "The Crunching Munching Caterpillar." Then we decorated coffee filters with markers and squirt them with water so the colors would mix. After that we made pom-pom caterpillars and glued them on clothes pins. When our caterpillars were dry, we put them in cocoons (paper bags) to see if they would become butterflies. (The decorated coffee filters were later attached to the clothes pins to make wings.)

 Afterwards, we read the "Greedy Bee." Then we danced the Bumble Bee Boogie. Everyone danced while the music was playing, but when the music stopped, Everyone stood on whatever type of pad Miss Lauren called out. (i.e. a blue pad or a square pad)

For snack we had " butter-fly toast." Using a milk-based paint, the children painted toast in the shape of butterflies. We also drank nectar, apple juice, from our flower cups using a proboscis, straw.

Next we played Hide-and-Go Seek, but we added a "buggy" twist. When one of the kids was found, we tapped them with our giant fly swatter.
Later we learned about ants. We glued an anthill onto our paper and we made fingerprint ants all around the hill.
Finally, we went outside and played Mosquito Tag. We each got a sheet of red dots which we called the mosquito bites. Then we ran around and tried to stick as many dots on each other as we could.

Bye for now!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Under the Sea

This week our theme was Under the Sea, so we played with water during playtime. There were buckets filled with water and toys. The kids loved it! We really missed Grant. Then we had Circle Time and learned about the letter S. For Show-and-Tell Blake brought a fishing pole and Maggie brought a picture of her as a mermaid. Then the children used their preschool money to buy something from the "store."
First we made an "Ocean in a Bottle." Each kid put foam and sequin sea creatures in their bottles, then Dallin filled the bottles with water, and Miss Lauren put in some blue food coloring.

 Then we played a diving game. One of the children would put on some goggles, and the rest held a corner of a sheet. Miss Lauren put some pictures of sea creatures under the sheet. Then we lifted the sheet in the air, and the child wearing goggles dove under and picked a sea creature, and we all pretended to be that sea creature.
Later we had snack. We used pretzels and peanut butter to go fishing for Goldfish crackers. While the kids were eating, Dallin read them the book Rainbow Fish.
After snack we made a Rainbow Fish picture. The children cut and glued tissue paper onto their fish. Then they each got a special shiny scale to glue on their fish, just like in the book. Brynley put a lot of work into her fish.
Next we played Fishing Memory. Miss Lauren laid out the can lids with sea creatures on them, then we each took turns "fishing" for the matches. Joey was very good at this.
Then we did a relay. Wearing flippers, the children had to walk to the blow-up shell, pick up the "pearl," then walk back. The older kids enjoyed trying it when Miss Lauren wasn't holding their hand.

Finally, we sponge painted. The children loved stamping different sea creatures onto their papers.

"Sea" you next week!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

All About Me

Welcome to preschool everybody! This was our first week of preschool. Our theme was All About Me. When the kids first arrived there were trains and clay to play with. Blake loved the trains!

Then we did Circle Time. At Circle Time we said the Pledge of Allegiance, identified the weather, talked about the calendar, sang a song about the week, then learned about the days of the week. Each child had an assignment that they got preschool money for completing. Then we learned a new letter. We have a Letter Bag which contains items that start with the new letter. This week was "M," so in the bag we had a mirror, a mermaid toy, and more.

To help everyone get to know each other, we played "Who's Under the Blanket." Dallin took one of the kids out of the room, and the rest of the children picked someone to hide under the blanket. The kid would come back into the room and try to guess who was under the blanket.

Next we had Show-and-Tell. The children brought their favorite toys, books, and backpacks. 

Then we decorated place-mats. We glued papers with our name and birthday on, and put our hand print on. We used stickers and markers to decorate. Dallin took our picture to go on them. Maggie enjoyed posing for her picture.  

For snack we made paper plate faces. We used paper plates as heads and added eyes, noses, and mouths with food. This was Joey's favorite part. He tried every food there was.

After snack, we played a game called "Bones... No Bones!" We discussed how we all have bones and played a game about different animals that have bones too. Miss Lauren gave us clues, and we had to guess what animal it was. Then we would pretend to be that animal when it had bones. Someone would shout "No bones," and we would all flop to the ground. This was Brynley's favorite part.

Last we made paper-bag "Me Puppets." We gave our puppets matching clothes. Next we gave them a face and hair. The kids enjoyed cutting and gluing.

We can't wait to get to know everyone!