Monkey Backround

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Under the Sea

This week our theme was Under the Sea, so we played with water during playtime. There were buckets filled with water and toys. The kids loved it! We really missed Grant. Then we had Circle Time and learned about the letter S. For Show-and-Tell Blake brought a fishing pole and Maggie brought a picture of her as a mermaid. Then the children used their preschool money to buy something from the "store."
First we made an "Ocean in a Bottle." Each kid put foam and sequin sea creatures in their bottles, then Dallin filled the bottles with water, and Miss Lauren put in some blue food coloring.

 Then we played a diving game. One of the children would put on some goggles, and the rest held a corner of a sheet. Miss Lauren put some pictures of sea creatures under the sheet. Then we lifted the sheet in the air, and the child wearing goggles dove under and picked a sea creature, and we all pretended to be that sea creature.
Later we had snack. We used pretzels and peanut butter to go fishing for Goldfish crackers. While the kids were eating, Dallin read them the book Rainbow Fish.
After snack we made a Rainbow Fish picture. The children cut and glued tissue paper onto their fish. Then they each got a special shiny scale to glue on their fish, just like in the book. Brynley put a lot of work into her fish.
Next we played Fishing Memory. Miss Lauren laid out the can lids with sea creatures on them, then we each took turns "fishing" for the matches. Joey was very good at this.
Then we did a relay. Wearing flippers, the children had to walk to the blow-up shell, pick up the "pearl," then walk back. The older kids enjoyed trying it when Miss Lauren wasn't holding their hand.

Finally, we sponge painted. The children loved stamping different sea creatures onto their papers.

"Sea" you next week!


  1. Brynley looks so funny in the goggles!! I'm so glad she's having so much fun!

  2. Thank you so much for all of your hard work! Blake loves going to preschool. Every time I pick him up he tells me how much fun he had that day. You guys are doing such a great job! Thank you!!
