Monkey Backround

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Three Little Pigs

This week preschool was full of "Huffing and Puffing!!!!" We read The Three Little Pigs, and we learned about building and blowing. First we played "What time is it Mr. Wolf?" In this game one child stands on one side of the room (facing a wall), and the other children stand against the other wall. The children will call "What time is it Mr. Wolf?" And the child facing the wall (the wolf) will answer a time. The children will then move that many steps. (e.g. If the child said 2'O clock, then the other children will move 2 steps.) When the wolf thinks the children ar eclose, s/he will reply to the question with "DINNER TIME!!!!!!!!!" Then the wolf will chase the children to the other side of the room. Whoever is caught becomes the next wolf.
Our next game was about pigs. It's called "Oink, Piggy, Oink." To play everyone sits in a circle around the blindfolded "It." Then It counts to 10 while everyone moves in circle around them. It is given a pillow, which they place on someone's legs. It sits on the pillow then says "Oink, Piggy, Oink." The person under the pillow will make a pig noise, and It has to guess who is oinking. If they guess correct, that person is the next it. If they do not, they try again.

Everyone loved our snack, PIG SLOP!!!! We gave each of the children a bowl of pudding. We had a platter of various foods like marshmallows, cereal, craisins, bananas, and more. These were put in their pudding. Yum!

"I'll huff, and I'll puff... And I'll BLOW your paint around!!!!!" We painted pictures this week, but we didn't use paint brushes, we used straws! We did Huff and Puff Painting!!!! We put some paint on our papers and blew it around. It was fun to see how the pictures turned out!
You've heard of the houses made of straw, twigs, and brick, but have you heard of the house of foam? This week we practiced using tools!!!! We had a bucket full of foam, nails, hammers, screws, and screw drivers, and we did whatever we wanted!!!! This was a big hit!!!

Pigs love mud, and that's a fact, but pigs love pudding too!!! The children finger painted with pudding this week!!!! We rubbed pudding over pictures of pigs, and some of us even wrote our name in our pudding!
Finally, using all sorts of objects, we built houses. Then we brought out the Big Bad Wolf (or the Big Bad Fan), and we watched to see if he could blow our houses down!!!!!
It's been really fun teaching your children, I especially love seeing the different Show and Tells they bring!!!!

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