Fee Fi Fo Fum!!!! This week preschool was lots of fun!!! As we walked up the stairs, we "turned into giants!" We had to go through a tiny door, and even our Circle Time was tiny!!!! (Lauren's Little Learners is very grateful to Garrett's mom for sharing the idea of "tiny day.")

After Circle Time, we did an excersise game named after the main character of our book, Jack. We did Jumping Jacks!!! Soldier, tree, soldier, tree. The children had a great time!!!
We rolled a dice that said how to do a certain number of Jumping Jacks. (i.e. Loudly, slowly, etc.)
We learned a song which we sang every time before we did the Jumping Jacks.
Finally, we played a game about the giant. One person is selected to be the "giant." The giant will then say a chant, such as: Fee Fi Fo Fue, I smell someone wearing blue!!! Then anyone who fits the discription needs to change seats. The giant tries to catch someone before they sit down. Whoever is caught becomes the giant. If only one person fits the discription, they automaticly become the giant. This activity gave us good practice making up rhymes.

As you can see we all had lots of "Fee Fi Fo Fun!"
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