We had lots of fun at preschool this week! We read the story of The Ugly Duckling. Then we played "Duck, Duck, Swan," instead of "Duck, Duck, Goose." Miss Lauren's cousin, Miss Hallie, helped teach this week. She played with us too!

Then we divided into groups. The children with Miss Cindy practiced writing letters in shaving cream...

The children with Miss Lauren painted their paper
mache eggs from the week before.

Later we ate snack!!! Miss Lauren cut a pound cake into slices and we pretend it was bread. Then we took turns
pretending we were ducks (or swans), and we "fed the ducks (or swans)."

Miss Hallie took some of the children and painted pictures using feathers...

And Miss Lauren took the other children and played a matching game. There were twelve eggs. Six of the eggs sounded like the other six. The children had to find the pairs using sound.
Thanks for reading!!!
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