Monkey Backround

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Let's Go To the Zoo

This week we played with Puzzles, Littlest Pet Shops, and Kid K'nex.

We learned about Z this week. In our Letter Bag there was a zig-zag, a zoo, and a jacket with a zipper. The kids brought great zoo Show-and-Tells, like wooden zoo animals and a plastic giraffe.

To start off, we made giraffes. Miss Lauren gave everyone an outline of a giraffe. We stamped spots on the giraffes by dipping the erasers on the ends of pencils in brown paint.
When we were done, we sorted animals. We set out all the letters we've learned, plus some new ones. The children took turns picking plastic animals. They put their animal on the letter it starts with.
All of the kids impressed me with their knowledge of the letters.
Next, we fed an elephant. Miss Lauren brought a cardboard elephant and everyone took turns throwing circus peanuts in its mouth.
Snack was lion crackers. We spread peanut butter on a ritz cracker and put pretzels around the cracker. We used peant butter to glue another cracker on top, and made eyes and a nose with chocolate chips.
Last of all was singing time. Miss Lauren brought a paper alligator. We pulled out the alligators teeth and sang the song written on it.

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