Monkey Backround

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Things That Go

Playtime this week had to do with our theme, Things That Go. We played with trains, and we lowered one side of the table and used it as a ramp for the cars.

After Circle Time, we did Letter Bag and Show-and-Tell. In the Letter Bag were things starting with short A. We had lots of cool Show-and-Tells!

Our first activity was making road maps. The kids dipped cars in paint and ran them along their papers to make maps. They also drew buildings on their maps.
A big hit was the cardboard cars. The children glued headlights and licenseplates with their names on them to the boxes (Miss Lauren had already attached the wheels and steering wheels). We used our cars to play a game called "Stop... Go." One of the kids got a sign that had "stop" on one side, and "go" on the other. When the sign said "go," the other children "drove" their cars to the finish as fast as they could, but when the sign said "stop," the kids had to scoot back if they didn't stop. The first child to the end got to hold the sign in the next game.
Later we watched a "drive-in" movie. The kids got tickets to buy popcorn and fruit snacks and, they ate in their cars while we watched Mater and the Ghost Light.

Then we went outside and did a relay. The kids ran through a course of cones with their cars. When we were done, the children were good helpers with cleaning-up the cones.
 We talked about wheels, and Miss Lauren gave each child a picture of a semi-truck. After coloring the picture, Miss Lauren gave everyone chocolate creme cookies to use as the trucks' wheels.

We had singing time next. The kids took turns opening flaps on two pictures of airplanes, which had songs under them. The kids enjoyed singing!

Finally, we pretended to go on a train ride. The children were given tickets for the ride. We pretended to go up hills, through tunnels, and more.

We had a "wheelie" good time!

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